Observatory upcoming events
first-person research epistemology methodology SIPI meditation research ethnography neurophenomenology
references & reading co-researchers lectures sampling experience

                                                                                                                                                              University of Ljubljana

Pozdravljena, pozdravljen,

v okviru meditacijsko-raziskovalne skupine Observatorij bomo v četrtek, 27. 5., ob 17.00 v prostorih Centra za kognitivno znanost na Vegovi 4 v Ljubljani (glej zemljevid) organizirali meditacijsko srečanje. Za udeležbo ne potrebuješ nobenega predznanja ali predhodnih izkušenj z našim delom.

Okvirni program srečanja:
- Predstavitev pogleda na meditacijo, kot ga kultiviramo v skupini Observatorij (meditacija kot orodje za raziskovanje zavesti).
- Dve 35-minutni raziskovalni meditaciji (v prostoru, kjer bomo meditirali, so na voljo stoli; lahko si prineseš tudi blazino).
- Refleksija in pogovor ob čaju.

Število mest je zaradi trenutne situacije s pandemijo omejeno. Zanimanje za sodelovanje izrazi v obliki odgovora na vprašalnik do ponedeljka, 24. 5., do 9.00 in počakaj na našo potrditev.

Veselimo se srečanja!

Urban, Viktorija, Jaša

OPEN MEETING 2021-5-27

You are invited to an open meeting of the Observatory meditation research group on Thursday, 2019-11-14, 15.30.

1. Short introduction to meditation as a tool for experience research.
2. Two 35-minute meditations with a 15 minute break in-between.
3. Interview with volunteers on select experiential moments from the meditation.
4. Discussion.

The event will take place at Vegova 4, Ljubljana (See map). We kindly ask you to be punctual. You can meditate on chairs or on your own meditation pillow.

OPEN MEETING 2019-11-14

You are invited to an open meeting of the Observatory meditation research group on Thursday, 2019-11-14, 15.30.

1. Short introduction to meditation as a tool for experience research.
2. Two 35-minute meditations with a 15 minute break in-between.
3. Interview with volunteers on select experiential moments from the meditation.
4. Discussion.

The event will take place at Vegova 4, Ljubljana (See map). We kindly ask you to be punctual. You can meditate on chairs or on your own meditation pillow.

OPEN MEETING 2019-10-24

You are invited to an open meeting of the Observatory meditation research group on Thursday, 2019-10-24, 15.30.

1. Short introduction to meditation as a tool for experience research.
2. Two 35-minute meditations with a 15 minute break in-between.
3. Interview with volunteers on select experiential moments from the meditation.
4. Discussion.

The event will take place at Vegova 4, Ljubljana (See map). As space is limited, there are only 20 open spots. Please sign up here to participate. We kindly ask you to be punctual. You can meditate on chairs or on your own meditation pillow.